Honors Science and Engineering Colloquia, in the form of Freshman Seminar, is designed to help students gain a better understanding of the various engineering fields, the expectation and responsibilities for practicing engineers, and the attributes of being a successful engineer. This course will invite important professors/engineers across the campus in all engineering programs to give lecture series with a theme of “Ideas that Change the World” or “The Story We Tell”, in an effort to facilitate students in their future choices of engineering professions. “One Book One Community” project is also assigned to students to think critically the current issues and challenges in engineering.
Course Objectives
The primary objectives of this course are to:
- Introduce students to the engineering profession.
- Help students understand the academic requirements for completing an undergraduate engineering degree.
- Help students understand and develop the attributes and skills required to be an effective engineer.
- Promote the understanding of the need for life long learning to be an effective engineer.
- Practice critical thinking in world engineering issues and challenges.
Student Learning Outcomes
With the successful completion of the course, the student should be able to:
- Understand the various engineering disciplines and career choices.
- Identify the skills, attributes, and capabilities required to be a successful engineering student and a successful engineering professional.
- Define the requirements to complete an engineering degree.
- Think creatively and critically about world engineering challenges.
Course Website: http://www.guofuedu.org.cn
Course materials such as announcements, lecture notes, handouts, surveys, quizzes, and assignments will be posted on the course website. Students are responsible for checking this site regularly for any posted updates.
Required Textbook: None.
Grading Policy
The overall course grade will be determined as follows, and is subject to change when course activities are adjusted.
- Attendance (10%)
- Quizzes and Surveys (25%)
- Homework Assignment (25%)
- Term Paper (40%)
Attendance Policy
Students are expected to attend and participate in all class meetings. Attendance will be taken automatically without students’ notice. Please make every attempt to be in class and seated on time. Late entry is disruptive to the class and to the guests who will be presenting to the class.
If for some unavoidable reasons you must miss a lecture, please let the course coordinator know 24 hours in advance by e-mail with valid reasons. Missing three times in the whole semester with no valid excuses will seriously affect your final grade, very likely to be a failing grade. Homework not submitted, or quizzes missed due to unexcused absences cannot be made up. It is University policy that absences such as those resulting from illness, death in the family, or institutional activities are to be excused when a student reports and verifies them to the course coordinator. For such excused absences, the student will not be penalized. Please refer to your student handbook for details about the penalties for unexcused absence. Late work is only accepted with an official university-excused absence.
Academic Integrity Policy
The basic commitment of a university is to search for, and to communicate, the truth as it is honestly perceived. The university could not accomplish its purpose in the absence of this demanding standard. To the extent that this standard is respected, a genuine learning community can exist. Students of this university are called upon to know, to respect, and to practice this standard of personal honesty. The following acts are regarded as serious violations of personal honesty and the academic ideal that binds the university into a learning community:
- Submitting as one’s own:
- Material copied from a published source: print, internet, CD-ROM, audio, video, etc.
- Another person’s unpublished work or examination material.
- Allowing another, or paying another, to write or research a paper for one’s own benefit.
- Purchasing, acquiring, and using for course credit, a pre-written paper.
- Obtaining, distributing, or communicating examination materials prior to the scheduled examination.
- Providing information to, or obtaining information from, another student during an examination.
- Attempting to change answers after an examination has been submitted.
- Falsifying medical or other documents to petition for excused absences.
Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated, and infractions of the university academic dishonesty requirements will lead to sanctions and reporting to the Office of Academic Affairs, and Office of Student Affairs. Any student caught cheating will receive a zero for that exercise, and addition sanctions maybe imposed as described in the BJUT Student Handbook. Please ask in advance if you have any question regarding the expectations for a specific assignment or exam.