A number of projects aiming to develop novel electronic interconnect materials, recycling technologies and devices for E-waste, fundamental studies of materials behavior are currently available in the laboratory. Postdoctoral researchers, research higher degree (PhD, Masters, both academic and professinal), and undergraduate students are welcome to join our group.

Masters (Academic and Professional)
The student is required to have a good understanding of materials science and engineering – with experience in the field of Materials Processing or Materials Characterization a distinct advantage. He/She will need to demonstrate adaptability to the multidisciplinary nature of the projects. English proficiency of CET-6 or equivalent is required. Graduate Entrance Exam waivers are prioritized to apply and encouraged to contact Dr. Guo directly to express his/her interest.
PhD opportunities with government and university-funded scholarships are available each year, both to domestic and international students.
Key criteria
Domestic students –The students should have strong academic track record (including research and written) in their precious degree experiences. The student’s research and academic background might be in one or more of materials science and engineering, resource recycling science and engineering, chemical engineering, or related disciplines.
International students – For an international student, he/she is expected to have masters or bachelors honors degree with very strong academic and research background in relevant field. An overal TOEFL IBT score of 1oo and above or equivalent is expected. Previous publication iof research articles in high impact journal of the field will also be desirable.
Postdoctoral Fellow
If you are interested in working as a Postoctoral Research Fellow in the lab immediately after your Ph.D degree, please contact Dr. Guo directly to discuss the qualifications.
Contact Form
Labortory of Electronic Packaging Research,
Faculty of Materials and Manufacturing,
Beijng University of Technology,
100 Ping Le Yuan, Chaoyang District,
Beijing, China
Contact Information
Call: +86 10-6739 6193
Email: guo_fu@hotmail.com